Source code for spokestack.tts.manager

This module contains the Spokestack text to speech manager which handles a
text to speech client, decodes the returned audio, and writes the audio to
the specified output.
from typing import Any

from streamp3 import MP3Decoder

FORMAT_MP3 = "mp3"
FORMAT_PCM16 = "pcm-16"

[docs]class TextToSpeechManager: """Manages tts client and io target. Args: client: Text to speech client that returns encoded mp3 audio output: Audio io target format_: Audio format, one of FORMAT_MP3 or FORMAT_PCM16 """ def __init__(self, client: Any, output: Any, format_: str = FORMAT_MP3) -> None: if format_ != FORMAT_MP3 and format_ != FORMAT_PCM16: raise ValueError("invalid_format") self._client = client self._output = output self._format = format_
[docs] def synthesize( self, utterance: str, mode: str = "text", voice: str = "demo-male", profile: str = "default", ) -> None: """Synthesizes the given utterance with the voice and format provided. Text can be formatted as plain text (`mode="text"`), SSML (`mode="ssml"`), or Speech Markdown (`mode="markdown"`). This method also supports different formats for the synthesized audio via the `profile` argument. The supported profiles and their associated formats are: Args: utterance (str): string that needs to be rendered as speech. mode (str): synthesis mode to use with utterance. text, ssml, markdown, etc. voice (str): name of the tts voice. profile (str): name of the audio profile used to create the resulting stream. """ stream = self._client.synthesize(utterance, mode, voice, profile) if self._format == FORMAT_MP3: # decode the sequence of MP3 frames stream = SequenceIO(stream) for frame in MP3Decoder(stream): self._output.write(frame) elif self._format == FORMAT_PCM16: # write the raw audio to the output for frame in stream: self._output.write(frame.tobytes())
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the client and output. """ self._client = None self._output = None
[docs]class SequenceIO: """ Wrapper that allows for incrementally received audio to be decoded. """ def __init__(self, sequence: Any) -> None: self._sequence = iter(sequence) def read(self, size: Any = None) -> bytes: try: return next(self._sequence) except StopIteration: return b""