Source code for

This module uses pyaudio for input and output processing
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import pyaudio

[docs]class PyAudioInput: """This class retrieves audio from an input device Args: sample_rate (int): desired sample rate for input (Hz) frame_width (int): desired frame width for input (ms) exception_on_overflow (bool): produce exception for input overflow """ def __init__( self, sample_rate: int, frame_width: int, exception_on_overflow: bool = True, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: self._frame_size = int(sample_rate / 1000 * frame_width) self._exception_on_overflow = exception_on_overflow self._audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() device = self._audio.get_default_input_device_info() self._stream = input=True, input_device_index=device["index"], format=pyaudio.paInt16, frames_per_buffer=self._frame_size, channels=1, rate=sample_rate, start=False, )
[docs] def read(self) -> np.array: """Reads a single frame of audio Returns: np.ndarray: single frame of PCM-16 audio """ frame = self._frame_size, exception_on_overflow=self._exception_on_overflow ) return np.frombuffer(frame, np.int16)
[docs] def start(self) -> None: """ Starts the audio stream """ self._stream.start_stream()
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """ Stops the audio stream """ self._stream.stop_stream()
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ Closes the audio stream """ self._stream.close()
@property def is_active(self) -> bool: """Stream active property Returns: bool: 'True' if stream is active, 'False' otherwise """ return self._stream.is_active() @property def is_stopped(self) -> bool: """Stream stopped property Returns: bool: 'True' if stream is stopped, 'False' otherwise """ return self._stream.is_stopped()
[docs]class PyAudioOutput: """Outputs audio to the default system output Args: num_channels (int): number of audio channels sample_rate (int): sample rate of the audio (Hz) frames_per_buffer (int): number of audio samples to buffer on the output device """ def __init__( self, num_channels: int = 1, sample_rate: int = 24000, frames_per_buffer: int = 1024, ) -> None: audio = pyaudio.PyAudio() device = audio.get_default_output_device_info() self._output = output=True, input_device_index=device["index"], format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=num_channels, rate=sample_rate, frames_per_buffer=frames_per_buffer, )
[docs] def write(self, frame: bytes) -> None: """Writes a single frame of audio to output Args: frame (bytes): a single frame of audio """ self._output.write(frame)