Source code for

This module contains the google asr speech recognizer
import logging
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
from typing import Any, Generator, Union

import numpy as np
from import speech
from google.oauth2 import service_account

from spokestack.context import SpeechContext

_LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GoogleSpeechRecognizer: """Transforms speech into text using Google's ASR. Args: language (str): The language of given audio as a [BCP-47]( language tag. Example: "en-US" credentials (Union[None, str, dict]): Dictionary of Google API credentials or path to credentials. if set to None credentials will be pulled from the environment variable: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS sample_rate (int): sample rate of the input audio (Hz) **kwargs (optional): additional keyword arguments """ def __init__( self, language: str, credentials: Union[None, str, dict] = None, sample_rate: int = 16000, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if credentials: if isinstance(credentials, str): credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( credentials ) elif isinstance(credentials, dict): credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_info( credentials ) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid Credentials: Only dict, str, or None accepted" ) self._client = speech.SpeechClient(credentials=credentials) self._config = speech.StreamingRecognitionConfig( config=speech.RecognitionConfig( encoding=speech.RecognitionConfig.AudioEncoding.LINEAR16, sample_rate_hertz=sample_rate, language_code=language, enable_automatic_punctuation=True, ), interim_results=True, ) self._queue: Queue = Queue() self._thread: Any = None def __call__(self, context: SpeechContext, frame: np.ndarray) -> None: """Main entry point. Args: context (SpeechContext): current state of the speech pipeline frame (np.ndarray): numpy array of PCM-16 audio. Returns: None """ if self._thread is None and context.is_active: self._begin(context) if self._thread is not None and not context.is_active: self._commit() if context.is_active: self._send(frame) def _begin(self, context: SpeechContext) -> None: self._thread = Thread( target=self._receive, args=(context,), ) self._thread.start() def _receive(self, context: SpeechContext) -> None: for response in self._client.streaming_recognize(self._config, self._drain()): for result in response.results[:1]: for alternative in result.alternatives[:1]: context.transcript = alternative.transcript context.confidence = alternative.confidence if context.transcript: context.event("partial_recognize") if result.is_final: if context.transcript: context.event("recognize") _LOG.debug("recognize event") else: context.event("timeout") _LOG.debug("timeout event") def _drain(self) -> Generator: while True: data = self._queue.get() if not data: break yield data def _commit(self) -> None: self._queue.put(None) self._thread.join() self._thread = None def _send(self, frame: np.ndarray) -> None: self._queue.put(speech.StreamingRecognizeRequest(audio_content=frame.tobytes()))
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ resets recognizer """ if self._thread: self._queue.put(None) self._thread.join() self._thread = None
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """ closes recognizer """ self._client = None